
Showing posts from November, 2018


One thing I've encountered in trying to learn things is that one thing will be essentially similar to another and without realizing it the two have the same properties. You can memorize the outline and have an idea of what a book of the Bible is about and yet can you tell how the different books differ from each other.  It's easy if the books recount events but in the Letters of Paul can you say what each book is about as opposed to the others?   How do the books differ from one another?  This is differentiation and something I think we need to do more of. The interactions of light with matter.   I can read about absorption transmission and reflection?  I rarely come across an explanation that includes all three and as a result of not taking into account all of them we may create an explanation for one that contradicts the explanation of the others.  Even now though I have a hard time coming up with an example because I've thought about all three in relation to each