I was watching a video on female infanticide.  There is a practice in China and India in which female babies are murdered by their parents because girls are not valued in those countries.  They give reasons such as "It's a patriarchal system and "Girls are a drain on the family".  The real reason though that girls are devalued in some societies is because of the population growth rate.  

      When the population of a country is growing due to high birth rate then women will be devalued.  If the birth rate is negative then women will be highly valued.  This takes time though.   This is because when the birth rate is high the ratio of older males to younger females is high.  Women seem to like older men and men seem to like younger women.  I guess my theory could have a flaw if in fact women's attraction to men older themselves is caused by the high birthrate itself.  This could be the case because people tend to value that which is rare rather than that which is plentiful.   When the population is growing then young people are plentiful.   This would explain why in the past children were treated much worse than they are today.   Also when younger women are plentiful then I guess that would make older women more attractive.  Older people more attractive.  That's why in the past older people were much more respected.   Jacob's sons were so jealous of their father's love for Joseph that they sold him into slavery.  

     In the past and throughout almost all of history having children was much more important.  And so the population grew very quickly.   Having children was most people's highest aspiration.   In the USA about 1965 things changed. 

      The population growth rate went from positive to negative.  Each year since then until about 1988 the population growth rate continued to decrease so that each year fewer and fewer children were born.      As a result the older kids outnumbered the younger kids.    When they grew up and started dating this resulted in there not being enough younger women for the males and an overabundance of older males for the young women.   By older I mean older by a small amount.   When you are young I think this small amount is apparent and important.   Girls will usually be more attracted to a guy a year older than them than a guy their age.  And males will be more attracted to females a year younger rather than those their own age. 

This situation was compounded by the fact that more boys are born than girls.   If you look at the total population then there will be more famales than males however this is because women tend to live longer than males.  (This is changing also though).     It could be caused by abortion perhaps but I think it's just natures way of helping women.  In the past as I have stated the population was growing rapidly with a high growth rate.  Each year more babies were born than the year before.   Since this made it easier for a man to find a wife it conversely made it hard for a woman to find a man.  (Only because women tend to prefer older en and men tend to prefer younger women)   It makes sense then if the overall ratio of men to women is tipped back in the women's favor.  Women are fewer in number thus increasing the demand and making up for the fact that there are fewer older men. 

In 1965 the scales were tipped completely in the favor of women because at that time not only did the ratio of males outnumber females but there were also more older males than younger females.    When they reached puberty not only did the males have to deal with the fact that males in their own age group outnumbered the females in younger age groups.  They also had to deal with the fact that even in their own age group they outnumbered the females.  So for 20 year olds in the 1980's it truly was raining men.  Women had a very easy time getting a boyfriend.   

Well what does all this mean?  I guess it means that due to contraception being available just about everywhere except the philippines where they are more catholic than even the european catholics the population growth rate is not what it was and most likely the infanticide will come to an end.  If it doesn't than the key is to talk to men about this and get them involved because it affects them.   In the past men have not valued women and you hear about men using women and "Love em n Leave em".  I don't see how that devaluation of women can exist in societies where the ratio severely favors women as well as the growth rate being in decline in india and china.   Both of these things will lead to both men and women devaluing men and valuing women.  So the situation should already be correcting itself.  Part of that correction is the very fact that people are making films about female infanticide and people finding that important.  It's an important issue and no doubt people will probably be put in jail for something that has been going on for thousands of years.  I feel that it is the growth rate that is the key factor.  

I meantioned that the growth rate was decreasing up until about 1988 or so at which time it began increasing.  This is caused by the dip in population it followed.  Since there were more older people than younger people for a long time when the older kids were old enough to have kids of their own the growth rate began increasing again.   It was a smaller increase but it was an increase.  This probably caused it to again become easier for men in the dating scene and harder for women.    This is just an echo of the past.  which again will be followed by another decrease in the ratio.   Each one smaller than the previous.  Due to contraception the population should balance out.   Where I live though in California we had lot of mexican immigrants in the past which also increased the difficulty of men finding a woman.  However now that those immigrants are having children and being that they are also better Catholics than their liberal European counterparts (The Catholic Church I think is against contraception) .  They are having big families and as a result it is a lot easier I think for the young men in their 20s to find someone.  However this means that it's harder for the women in their 20's to find someone.  The solution for women in their 20's would be for them to date either someone a decade older or to find someone younger.  By younger I mean only a little younger.  Guys who are only a few years younger will treat you a lot better because they are going through the same thing you are.  Struggling to find someone.  If your in your late twenties though you probably would be better off with someone older and by older I mean quite a bit older.  I just mention this because I was one of those unfortunate guys who found it hard to find someone and I should have dated an older woman.  When someone is only a year older then there really isn't any way to tell that.  I think that once you know someone is older by just a year your mind plays tricks on you and they actually seem older than they are.  I remember when I was in the army after I had finished basic training that I noticed that the new recruits seemed younger yet they could only be on average about 2 months younger.   


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