
If racism didn't cause us so much suffering I'd have to laugh at how silly it is.   How can a person be blamed for what someone else did?   If we are blamed for Adams sin then isn't that similar to what happens when people are racist?     Muslims destroyed the Twin Towers but if I blame all Muslims then why shouldn't I also be blamed for Adam's sin?  If I seek revenge on all Muslims then why shouldn't God seek revenge on me for what Adam did? We're the same race right?  Not only that we are the same species.  If I don't want God to punish me for Adam's sin then I should not blame the Muslims for what the hijackers did.   If you have a problem with God blaming us for Adam's sin then you sure as heck can't be a racist can you?  If you are then you're a hypocrite.   Maybe God wanted us to ask that question.  "Why should I be blamed for Adam's sin?"   Why does God blame us?   Such a conundrum really makes you think.   Having thought long and hard about it you finally give up.  But then when you decide to seek revenge on all Muslims for what the Hijacking Muslims did it's already in your mind to ask yourself why should I blame people who are of the same race just because of their race.    Adam may not come to mind but the question lingers.  Is the whole purpose of the Bible to get us to question racism?    I still don't know why God blames us for Adam's sin if he does.    The Bible says sin passed to us like a disease and thus we are prone to sin.   Because it's not our fault that we are prone to sin then it works out that Jesus can pay for our sin.  Because we are punished for what one man did then we can also be saved by what one man did.   If we can be punished for Adam's sin then we can also be saved by Jesus act of righteousness which is his death on the Cross.


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