Informational Web Design.

I just realized something.  I avoid company websites and spend more time on Wiki pages.  I go to find out information and company websites don't really offer that.   I mean who really goes to a website to see a full page cartoon image?    A lot of websites are really beautiful with their full page images and a couple buttons but I mean it looks like a game (but it's not a game),  It may look like an app (but it's not an app either).   It really looks like something but it doesn't do anything at all except sell the product.  Even if I'm interested in their product I'd rather go to a wiki page to find out about it because I know I'm not going to find out about it after the website finally loads up.  I'll find out way more information about the product on the wiki page.  I guess though that's a problem for web in general I mean if everyone else is making bad websites then people are still going to avoid my site no matter how informational it is because they will just assume mine is going to take a long time to load and they will just avoid it so they will never know that my page is actually better than the wiki page.  People are so focused on making a nice looking website that they forget that people aren't using the internet to look at pretty websites.   They go there to find information.  I mean even forcing them to go to another page to find out your store hours is too much.  A lot of pages are all one page but customers still have to scroll down to find the information they need which could be at any point in one really long page.

Maybe websites should just copy wiki.  That way when someone goes to your website they will know where to find the pertinent bit of information they need.    At the very least it should offer the information they need in order of most used information.    Hours, Location Phone number.   A lot of times I come to a website and have no Idea what is being sold.  It's clearly got a target audience because it makes no sense.  Usually though I end up at those because I'm just looking for good web design and not because I'm interested in the product.  If I'm interested in learning more about something though I don't really go to the website either.   I think though if a potential customer comes to your site it might be because they are interested in your product.  What they want isn't a sales pitch though they want to learn more about your whole industry.  Isn't that who you want to target?  People who are interested in your industry as a whole?  People who know next to nothing about what it is you do but are interested in finding out?   I mean those are customers you might lose to a whole other industry.   These days your not really competing with other businesses doing the same thing as you but your competing with other industries all together.  Your competing for peoples time and their time could be spent in many more varied ways.    So wouldn't it make sense to make websites more informational?   As beautiful as a page with a big picture and a Logo and two or three buttons might be I really don't think people go to a website to see that.   If they want a gallery they will go to a gallery.   They want to spend time playing your game not trying to find the page so they can find out about your game.   People want to spend their time on your product not having to hunt down information about it.

If anyone has watched the matrix you will remember people looking at screens of just scrolling numbers.   Basically it's the future equivalent of the dos prompt.   I think in the future people will realize that all you need is a prompt.  As people get more familiar with computers they will get tired of all the time they waste clicking.  People will realize all you need is text and that people will just type in what they want.    On Google  you don't have to click in the box first the prompt is already there.  Although you do have to wait for this blank page to load all the way.   I mean it's blank but you have to wait for it to load?   I would think the main advantage would be that it wouldn't have to wait for it to load.   But still I guess for it's purpose you don't need anything but a prompt.   But after that you want information.  Maybe everyone saw Google's success and thought well that's what I need.  I need a blank page with nothing on it and I'll make millions just like Google did.  But Google is blank because that's where you type in your query.  You don't go to Google to see a million links that will make you forget why you came there in the first place.   You go to Google to type in something and see a million links offering you information about what it is your wanting information about.   It makes sense for Google to be a blank page.  It makes no sense for your page to be blank if you people are already interested in what it is you have to say.


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