Walking Dead Beth's **SPOILER**.

I realize now that Beth's death was Deus Ex Machina.   It was just pure bad luck.  At least it's usually the cavalry coming to save the day so at least you can be happy about it.  But in this case they rescued Beth and she was safe and sound and then she pointlessly dies for no reason.   People doing dumb things in the name of horror isn't going to convince anyone that the post apocalypse is dangerous.  Bad luck tragedy is just as annoying as good luck coming to the rescue.   If the viewer is sitting there saying "Why don't they just leave? She hasn't even drawn on them."    I tried watching another episode and it just solidified in my head that it's pointless to go on watching.   They have nothing else to accomplish except to make more dumb mistakes till they are all dead.    I think the problem is that none of the writers expected Beth to take on a life of her own.  She was never meant to be a part of the show.   She was just window dressing or a red shirt.  And she walked on so that she could be killed off.     When the story takes on a life of it's own though and does things even the writer didn't expect then that's when the story will do things that the reader didn't expect.   That's when things start to appear real.   Even in horror.  If absolutely nothing good ever happens that's just tragedy and what makes a tragedy enjoyable is when it's over and you say.  Hey it's not real.  Like waking up from a dream.   I think that's what I did when Beth died.  I woke up.  I realized hey it's just a dream.  Emily Kinney is alive and well and I'm looking forward to what she does next.


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