
Showing posts from July, 2015

Nature of the Paranormal

Is the Paranormal just a bunch of misconceptions?   One way to determine if this is true is to figure out what people are likely to misconstrue and from the extrapolate whether the two coincide with one another.   Do they coincide?  If they do then the paranormal is just misconceptions.   But if they do not then they are two  different things and the Paranormal is real.   Things like ghosts are real.  A lot of paranormal events seem very likely to be true.  More the paranormal than aliens.  I thought for sure the Travis walton event was real.  But people dug deeper into the story and found out some evidence to the contrary.  That perhaps it was a hoax after all.   The confusion stemmnig from the fact that the investigation went from murder to hoax and there is no longer any need or right for a police detective to investigate a hoax when his job is to figure out murders and more important criminal activities.  He's got to do what he's paid to do.  It seems that ghosts are real