Nature of the Paranormal

Is the Paranormal just a bunch of misconceptions?   One way to determine if this is true is to figure out what people are likely to misconstrue and from the extrapolate whether the two coincide with one another.   Do they coincide?  If they do then the paranormal is just misconceptions.   But if they do not then they are two  different things and the Paranormal is real.   Things like ghosts are real.  A lot of paranormal events seem very likely to be true.  More the paranormal than aliens.  I thought for sure the Travis walton event was real.  But people dug deeper into the story and found out some evidence to the contrary.  That perhaps it was a hoax after all.   The confusion stemmnig from the fact that the investigation went from murder to hoax and there is no longer any need or right for a police detective to investigate a hoax when his job is to figure out murders and more important criminal activities.  He's got to do what he's paid to do. 

It seems that ghosts are real but aliens are not.  Aliens are an extrapolation of our world view.  We live on a planet therefore other planets probably also have beings similar to ourselves on other planets considering there are so many planets.   However if the quantum theory is correct and there are multiple universes and dimensions then there is plenty of space and universes are a dime a dozen and beings don't really have to worry about having space.  It's sort of like Jesus said "In my father's house there are many mansions."    With so much space you wouldn't think there would be any evil at all.  There is plenty of space to do your own thing and never bump into anyone who thinks differently.  Perhaps the goal of life is to find other life.  To congregate rather than separate.   Separation is easy with such a spacious universe.  But congregation requires give and take.  The goal being to maximize the freedom of ones self while not minimizing the freedom of others.  Absolute freedom is impossible but virtually absolute freedom is not.  Just a few tiny rules and congregational freedom is possible.  Perhaps the devils position is that congregational freedom is impossible.   If he can prove it is impossible.  If he can in fact plant the seed of doubt that it's possible he can damage faith in congregational life and create a mass separation.  Perhaps the universe is empty.  Our universe empty and we are to go forth and fill it.  Perhaps fill the earth would be better translated to:  Fill the Universe.  That would be nice.  Generation ships would make it very possible.   All we really need to perfect this is cold sleep.  Suspended animation.  Relativity can provide a kind of suspended animation for objects.   Especially when traveling to other worlds.  The twin paradox involves meeting your twin or in other words a round trip.  Yet for a one way trip the time dilation is much more pronounced.  You could in effect reach other worlds in much less than the actual time because relativistic speeds actually do slow down your bodily processes.  To arrive back on earth younger than your twin is much more complicated because your twin is also traveling away from you and therefore suspended in time.  You are both suspended in time relative to one another and the only difference being that you are accelerating.  It is the acceleration that makes you younger than your twin rather than the speeds at which you travel.    But in a one way trip the dilation is much more pronounced and you could effectively travel anywhere


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