If there is a bright center to the universe

If there is a bright center to the universe your on the planet that it's farthest from.  Luke Skywalker said this in star wars.  I'm wondering if that is true of the earth.  The earth was once considered to be the center of the solar system.  I guess after we figured out it wasn't flat.  Galileo was persecuted by the catholic church for finding evidence that the earth was not the center.   Athiests love to bring this up.   Why did christians want to believe that the earth was the center?  It is because we don't want to add to scripture.  We are very much like scientists in this regard.  Scientists or rather people who believe in science only believe that which is verified experimentally.  Whereas Christians feel it is their duty to only believe that which is mentioned in the Bible.  If it isn't in the Bible it isn't true.  We don't believe in reincarnation.  Why?  "It is appointed unto man once to die and after that the Judgement."
 Astronomy has shown us just how big the universe is.  Not only are we not the center of the solar system.  We are not the center of the galaxy.  In the last century we found out that our galaxy is just one of countless other galaxies.  As a christian though I seem to still think that earth is somehow more significant than other planets.  If we are so significant than by creating this huge universe around us that is pretty useless to us since everything is so far away.  If it's only there to look at then it must be that God is telling us something by it.   What is he saying though?   Could he be saying how great he is that he could do all that?  Maybe he is telling us how small we are how insignificant.   "Look at all that I have prepared for you".  Are these the mansions that Jesus spoke of?  Then again maybe he's not telling us anything.  Maybe he just isn't hiding the fact that we are just one out of billions of other worlds and that we are extremely insignificant.  Though Jesus came to our world and died for us at the same time we are just one tiny planet in the middle of nowhere and God really doesn't need us.   He could have just wiped us out and never missed us.  He's got plenty of other planets and plenty of other life forms he could fellowship with.  More than he needs.   What if on most of those other stars there are life forms out there serving God.  The only difference between them and us is that their Adams and Eve's never disobeyed God.  What if the only thing special about us is that we were disobedient.    Yet God after creating us became aware of our disobedience and decided to give us another chance rather than wiping us out.  He sent prophets and teachers and still we didn't listen.  Anyway finally he sent his son.  He sent his very best to rescue the very least of all creation.  What if the only thing that makes us unique is the fact that we are sinners.  What if all the other worlds he created never sinned?  I guess we do know that God had enemies before we came along.   I guess though it shows just how compassionate God is.  That he would give his very best for the very least in the universe.  If he rewards us for accepting Jesus by making us higher than the Angels then I guess he's just trying to entice us to come back by not just treating us like equals.


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