6th Trumpet

I'm just trying to have an open mind so please forgive me.   The way I see the seals, trumpets, and Bowls is that they are all happening in this order: seal(1), trumpet(1), bowl(1),seal(2), trumpet(2), bowl(2).

So the 6th seal happens just before the 6th trumpet.   In this theory I'm proposing ( though I don't stand behind it, It's just a possibility)  We are in the 6th age.  Each of the seals stands for an age or a dispensation..   It even sounds the same.   When you read a will there are things bequeathed or dispensed upon the recipients.   The scroll is a will and Jesus and we I suppose are the recipients of Jesus will.  He died and came to life so he's the writer and the recipient.   Anyway so we are in the 6th dispensation.   The 6th dispensation began at the beginning of the age which is when Jesus was born or when he died.   The 6th seal then took place at the beginning of the age.   There is the Sun which is black as sackcloth and the Moon turned to blood which I took to mean the Sun is the Son of God mourning in sackcloth for his church the moon which is turned to blood representing the martyrs.  This first century was a tribulation period.   They suffered so that we could enjoy a new age in which life is much better.  It took a long time.   The western world at least has seen a great deal of improvement and in a way we are experiencing a golden age or a Kingdom age.    It could be better and hopefully it will be.   It's all thanks to the martyrs who decided to take the first steps in living the Kingdom of God on earth at a time when there were no rewards to be had.   Now living a righteous life for Christ has rewards in this life.   Back then though because the new way was so different it clashed with it's current culture so severely that there was little earthly reward for being in the Kingdom of God because it's like your in the kingdom all by yourself.   Change is usually difficult and painful whenever it happens.   This is a universal truth which the Bible is full of.
So the seal depicts the first part of our current age and now we come to the Trumpet which depicts a later time.   The four angels represent a counter gospel.   The biggest 4 in the Bible are the 4 gospels.  This counter gospel could be and I hate to say it but perhaps it's fire and brimstone preaching.   The repent or you will burn in hell thing.   That's not really what you find in the Bible.   There is something very different in the Bible.  In the Bible people ask to be saved who know nothing about Hell.  The lions heads represent a type of Jesus that appears to be a lion and out of his mouth comes the fire smoke and brimstone.   The fire and brimstone make sense but there is also the smoke which I'm not sure how to explain.   This creature is actually a horse with a rider.   The rider is has a breastplate of yellow, fire and blue I guess.    It's all good till you come to the horses tail which is a snake.    The snake represents the fact that this is death.  Snakes represent death.     In other words perhaps the fire and brimstone is incorrect.   NDE's mostly indicate that there isn't a hell.   Some do have a hell in them and yet those ones are highly symbolic.   I'm thinking the Hell is where your soul goes if all your works burn up.
After the Army with the strange horses you see a strong angel come down who has the eternal gospel to proclaim.   In his hand is a little book which turns bitter in the stomach.    This eternal gospel is different from the fire and brimstone.   It's the true gospel.      The true eternal gospel is the reality that Hell and our works being burned up is one in the same thing.   Losing your soul is about Losing your Identity.   It's a beautiful woman losing her beauty.   A tall guy losing his height.   If these things aren't used to Glorify God you will lose them.   Your spirit will be saved and serve God however you will be in the outer darkness.  You can see the light and bask in it's glory but you are still outside the city.   Outside the city are those nations that survived the Judgement of the Nations.   Hopefully the USA is there.   It may not be however because we have so much wealth are we really using it to do good to our fellow men.   It's not for me to Judge congress.   It's my job to elect humble men and women who will consult the Bible and pray about every vote they cast.  It's about giving aid to the Syrian refugees.  It doesn't matter who's side they are on,  they need saving.  I'm thinking the eternal gospel is sweet because it's like everyone is saved.   The bitter part is that a lot of the Joy is gone.   The threat of hell did make the joy of salvation all the greater.   It makes your purpose on earth all the more clear.   Save people from hell so that they don't burn forever.    It's just hell no longer offers comfort the way it once did.   The idea that the evil in the world get their comeuppance.    Now people are concerned about what kind of God would create such a place.    The way I see it is that the hell for christians is a real place and it's basically only christians that end up there.   It's the place where the soul goes.   The soul (I'm hoping) has no spirit and no conciousness.   It's your life that ends up in hell as an example.    Whatever good you did in this life though goes with you to heaven.   The focus now is on yourself rather than changing others.   It might be about helping someone whom you dearly love to remain whole in the afterlife so that not one part of her ends up in hell.  

Then again there is the idea that I am my soul.   If I am a soul and not a spirit at all then if my soul goes to hell then I go to hell also.

Just thought of something. What if the two images of the horse vs the strong angel are two types of Gospel.   One represents hell and one represents eternal security.   The fact that the feet are on land and sea though may represent universal salvation.   Then the bitterness in the stomach would be the idea that you are not at all responsible for the salvation of others.    If salvation is not universal then I have no part in your salvation.   Jesus alone saves and no one else.   There is less joy if your not actually saving people.


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