
My opinion is that there are a limited amount of Jobs and that the more people that work a paying job the less money there will be to pay them.  I also believe that minimum wage makes it harder to get a job.  Ideally there would be no minimum wage and any time you raise the minimum wage the number of jobs will decrease.  I think this is based on the idea that there are a limited number of jobs and a limited amount of money.  People seem to have no problem with the idea that there is a limited amount of money because it's the evil CEO's of the world who are hoarding all of it.   But ask them about minimum wage and they seem to think there is an unlimited amount of money or that somehow the CEO's will give themselves a pay-cut and that will allow minimum wage workers to earn a decent wage.
What I want to know though is if there really is a limited amount of money.   I know that there is a limited amount of actual paper and coin money out there.   But there are also ways to make that money more or less valuable.    I'm wondering if it's possible to raise the standard of living and create more jobs for more people and raise the value of money for all people everywhere in the world or in your country without having to lower the value somewhere else.  If i say "in the whole world"  then of course it's not lowering the value anywhere else.    I'm just pondering the idea that maybe it's possible to create more opportunities everywhere and raise the standard of living everywhere as sort of the ultimate win/win scenario.    Is this possible?   I'm really just asking the question as a lot of my blogs do.   Maybe an economist could answer this question.  I should probably ask this on ask yahoo.   Seems like some jobs would add to the standard of living for everyone.   Manufacturing jobs are able to create items and if you sell them overseas then you will get money for your country.   Manufacturing of items that help people become more productive adds to their independence.   If you think about it if you had the right item you wouldn't need money at all.   Imagine an item that would provide all your needs.  The ultimate item.  It grows your food each day and washes your clothes.  I guess that would be a robot or a slave.   I guess at one time slaves and masters all worked together to create a pleasant environment.   A good master if there ever was one could provide his slaves with quarters equal to his own and he would just wear a hat that said I'm the master I'm in charge.   It's usually good to have someone in charge of the big picture to make sure that the goals of the group are reached and so that all things work together.   The slaves however still need to think and provide feedback and are not any less important in terms of their contribution.    A robot though needs almost nothing in return.   The ultimate robot wouldn't need anything.   If someone were building these robots that last forever and provide everything then at some point everyone would have a robot and you would only need to produce robots as the population grew.  Only one person would have to work.    The one who produced the robots.  So there is a possibility that there could be a limited number of jobs.   No one needs money so money is able to buy all your needs.  So money can gain value and yet number of jobs is limited.
 Also there are things people do to occupy their free time which ultimately they will have more and more of.  So as the number of useful jobs decreases the more there might be a need for jobs that offer things people want rather than what they need.  Art jobs then are more and more valuable and people can buy artwork of different kinds such as music, artwork, games, toys and movies.   Travel also is a leasure activity people like to enjoy.  People like to travel out of their homes and spend time with other people so going to a place to meet other people is another thing people need and so those things can create more jobs also.


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