Dark Matter

 I haven't done much research on dark matter but I recently read an article that said that WIMPS (Weakly Interactive Massive Particles) haven't been found so now they are looking for more exotic forms of matter. The article (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-3586781/Is-dark-matter-changing-stripes-Mysterious-invisible-material-slowed-expansion-universe.html) talks about Bose Einstein Condensates. The word stiff is also used and that's what I've been saying. They are extremely stiff shapes that are extremely strong and extremely light. Perhaps a Bose Einstein Condensate being would be almost invisible yet extremely strong. Another possibility is that they are like protons or some other particle blown up like a balloon into whatever shape they might need in the same way a computer generated creature is a hollow outer shell with nothing inside. They say that if we do encounter life it will be something we can't imagine and unlike anything we have speculated about. Although we might recognize it as something we have anecdotal evidence of. Stories of angels and spiritual encounters for example. The reason I speculated about two types of Dark Matter is because if there were buildings on Mars we would see their foundations imprinted on the Martian sand. We don't see rectangular imprints so there must be something flexible that wont disturb the sand which has some purpose more important than just hiding foundations from our probes, such as to prevent a jerk when the planet mars is impacted by a large planetoid. Such an impact would not hurt the beings but would perhaps send them hurtling about along with anything lose inside their buildings. A stretchy substance could then connect these buildings which do not interact with normal matter with Mars' ordinary matter.
In stories of out of body experiences there is something called the silver cord which connects the soul with the body. No matter where a person goes on his astral journey he will have this extremely stretchy cord connecting his soul to his body. This cord would be an example of the stretchy type of dark matter and the soul is an example of the stiff dark matter.
The reason we can't see them is that our instruments are not sensitive enough. Their eyes though are sensitive enough that they can see each other. They might see each other as somewhat transparent. Anyway this is just speculation yes but it's only bad speculation if we can't perform and experiment that would prove or disprove it. If there is a way to disprove the hypothesis then it's still a good scientific theory. It seems all we need then is more sensitive instruments. They should exist on earth as well as mars. I guess the bad thing is that no matter how sensitive the instrument you could always just say it's not sensitive enough. Another possibility is to look at galaxies and see if they some seem to have no dark matter at all or much less compared to normal matter. A galaxy like that would be held together by virtue of it's visible matter and would then be much brighter and clearer and maybe much larger. If the universe is full of intelligent beings then they will do things for a reason and there is the possibility that they might have a reason to leave a galaxy alone and not build there. It would then have significantly less dark matter. Perhaps what we see as normal matter is just unused Dark Matter stored in tiny bundles so that it doesn't get in the way. When they need materials to build a dark matter building or create a dark matter creature they will take a proton and blow it up into the shape they want. What our current instruments and eyes are seeing in space then is just the back stage. The real show is taking place in the dark matter realm. While we exist among the storage bins. Life as we know it is sort of a hack in which storage pellets were formed into creatures and a whole system was created by which we could exist. We are made of so many protons and atoms that we are extremely massive and heavy and thereby bound to earth. So we are like a toys almost or an experiment.

One experiment that could be done to prove or disprove this is to build a camera with a really sensitive sensor.   You would point it at an area of a single color like the sky.     Just point it straight up.   Then you would then do that false color thing to it.    Computer images use 24bit color because that's more than the eye can distinguish.     Computers today are 64 bit.  So perhaps we could take a picture using all 64 bits.   You would then take a picture of the blue sky then make a false color image out of that.     Say one part of the sky appears a more purplish blue than another part.   You would stretch the spectrum so that that blue purple part would appear totally purple.  And another part of the sky that is a more greenish blue would become pure green.  By stretching the spectrum you could make the slightest variations in color more noticeable.      If you don't see anything then try and get a more sensitive instrument.     It may be impossible though.   If dark matter doesn't interact with normal matter then perhaps normal light wont interact with it either.
Now that I think about it that's probably all a false color image is.   So they are already making false color images of mars.     However they are doing it in the opposite way that I suggest.   False color images attempt to grab color from waves the normal eye can't see and then they make those red and blue by shrinking the spectrum.   My experiment would do the opposite and take a very narrow slice of the spectrum and stretch it so that all the slight variations in color become distinctly different colors.


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