
Showing posts from June, 2017

Rant I didn't Post to a Holocaust Denier

I read that article and it's ridiculous. Millions of GI's walked through the concentration camps. The Holocaust has eye witnesses. People have written long firsthand accounts about it. The Jews actually were expelled over and over and the Holocaust is just another example. Even after the war the USA didn't let the Jewish refugees in. The only reason they are in Palestine is because the UK had the power take it from someone and give it to them. Basically no one wanted them and so we gave them Palestine and perhaps took it from those who lived there because that's how the Modern world does good deeds. We give people what doesn't belong to them. Yet the Muslims took it from someone and why not base it on history as they never forget the "Crusades". I mean if they're going to use ancient history then the Muslims are shooting themselves in the foot. How can anyone say there is no Holocaust. If there is one thing we know for sure is that people...


According to Jesus a person "Born of the Spirit" is a wildcard.  No one knows where he comes from or where he is going.      I often feel my life has jumped the rails.  Whatever my purpose in life is I must have gotten off track somewhere and I'm no longer anywhere near where I was supposed to be but then on the other hand maybe that's the whole point.   Maybe Jumping the rails is a greater purpose than fulfilling your purpose in life. I base this on the verse: "The wind blows where it wishes and you hear the sound of it, but do not know where it comes from and where it is going; so is everyone who is born of the Spirit." John 3:8.

Dating Well with Statistics

Hopefully this isn't going to be dry reading.  I think I wrote a similar article somewhere but couldn't find it.  I should probably get some charts to make it work.  I could have called it dating with charts because to make use of this strategy you need population charts particularly of the kind called pyramids.   They are called pyramids because they are shaped like pyramids at least they used to be.  They are actually no longer perfect pyramids and if they were actual pyramids this technique wouldn't really matter and would be of very little help to women.  Today population pyramids have become more like population space needles or sideways barbells. I came across this in the 1990s. I had heard someone say "Nature likes to make girls"  I guess this is because he'd heard that there are more women than men in the world.   I lacked confidence so I thought I'd look into this matter because it seemed so unlikely that I would ever get a gi...