Dating Well with Statistics

Hopefully this isn't going to be dry reading.  I think I wrote a similar article somewhere but couldn't find it.  I should probably get some charts to make it work.  I could have called it dating with charts because to make use of this strategy you need population charts particularly of the kind called pyramids.   They are called pyramids because they are shaped like pyramids at least they used to be.  They are actually no longer perfect pyramids and if they were actual pyramids this technique wouldn't really matter and would be of very little help to women.  Today population pyramids have become more like population space needles or sideways barbells.

I came across this in the 1990s. I had heard someone say "Nature likes to make girls"  I guess this is because he'd heard that there are more women than men in the world.   I lacked confidence so I thought I'd look into this matter because it seemed so unlikely that I would ever get a girlfriend and yet why was it so hard if there were supposedly more women than men?  Women seemed to be treating me with such disrespect that I figured they must be doing it out of some kind of defense mechanism.  If I could see for myself that more women were born than men that would give me confidence to approach them.    I went to the library and started looking for information about population.  What I found horrified me.  There were actually more men than women in my age group.  Women did outnumber men but it was only because they lived longer.   There were indeed more women than men and if I didn't mind dating much older women.   I was approaching 30 at the time in that age group there were more men than women.  Looking back I could have visited the elderly just as a good deed (not to date but to have women in my life who treated me with respect)  As far as nature liking to make girls I found the opposite to be true.  Nature likes to make boys.

I found parts of the USA that seemed to have more women than men.  New Orleans was one of them.  New York area was another.   I found that Tulare County had more women but in Chandler Arizona where I lived at the time there were a lot more men than women.   I felt really devastated.  It reflected just what I had seen in the singles ads in the newspaper.  There were by far more ads from men than from women.    There were a lot more ads from men actually by a large margin.  Like 4 to 1.   This depressing discovery did make sense though.  Right across the street from me was a huge Intel plant.  Chandler Arizona was a tech giant a southwestern silicon valley.  One of my neighbors was from India.  He like me lived in an empty apartment though his was much emptier than mine.  All it seemed to have is a single computer in the middle of the carpet.  Men were moving there from all over the world.  Apparently more men major in technology than women.  I was an artist but even I felt compelled to learn to program.   Basically men who are lucky enough to get good jobs in the city end up living the best years of their lives in places where it's quite difficult to find love.    It does seem that living on the edge of town meant there were more women though.  Men don't mind living in the inner city as much as women.  Women will do without as long as their surroundings are nice.

For most of the millennia of our species the population has been growing and this growth is the reason men have been dominant for so long.   Population growth and the fact that men like younger women means that men have in the past had plenty of younger women to choose from.  Luckily for women though there are more boy babies born than girl babies and as a result this ratio of men to women of the same age fixes the virtual ratio somewhat. If you look at the ratio of men to women of the same age there are actually more men born than women which puts the ratio of men to women in the women's favor.   Wouldn't it be nice for women if it were raining men?  It practically is since there are 1.05 boys born for every girl That's 21 boys for every 20 girls.   It may not seem like much but imagine a class of 420 students and prom is coming up.   That means every single girl will have a date but 20 boys will not.   This is probably why boys end up being considered "nerds" more than girls.  However the fact that men prefer younger women  creates a virtual ratio of younger women to older men and in  the case where the population is increasing there is a ratio of younger women to older men that is in men's favor.  In most generations there are plenty of younger women.   In most times then on prom the boys could find plenty of girls in the younger grades.  Each grade would have more students.  Dating younger girls usually makes sense for boys.  Since each generation outnumbers the previous generation exponentially this creates a situation where it seems there aren't enough men   There are actually still more men than women in each age group but population growth rate makes things better for men.   I say "population growth rate" because population continues to grow as long as parents have more than 2 kids but the rate at which population grows depends on the ratio of babies born in one year as opposed to the next. Population grows as long as parents have more than two kids but the rate that the population grows depends on how many kids families have on average.   The bigger the families the faster the growth rate.    Family size has shrunk by quite a bit for many reasons and this has led to the low growth rate that began in 1965.

What was really bad for men though was when population stopped growing in 1964 and each year fewer babies were born.   In that case men had two things working against them.  The fact that more boys are born is still there and on top of that there were actually fewer younger women.  There was no way to slice it in favor of men unless men chose to date older women.    This actually could work because the fact that there were fewer younger men made women actually prefer younger men.   Anyway the fact that there were fewer younger women meant that for prom there were 20 boys who couldn't get anyone at all.   I guess since only one class has prom at a time they could ask the girls in the younger grades but many would have boyfriends.  This situation made it much harder for males because it was traditional for them to make the first move.   However making the first move in the past was seen as something wonderful and a young women would be lucky to be picked.   After 1965 it became something creepy.   Virtually all the women would already be spoken for.  They would have crushes on the most attractive guy in school.   The 20 guys out of luck at prom were permanently out of luck.    There were two factors against males born between 1965 and 1975 the negative population growth rate and the (the virtual ratio) and the actual ratio of males to females born.   On top of that there was all the shame laid on them for the misogyny of past generations.   Women's lib was in full swing.  White males had the shame of their race and the shame of their gender to bear alone.   Anyway I'm getting all emotional just to make this easier to read.  There is actually a dating strategy in all this.   For instance one thing I could have done being born in 1965 is that I could have tried dating an older  woman.    The women a few years older than me still outnumbered the men of even older generations.  Those women would still be lonely and single.  The women younger than me however would be virtually all taken.   It's similar to a transistor.  There is something called a depletion zone where all the electrons have been completely depleted.  I like to call the beginning of generation X as the depletion zone in that it would be completely depleted of single women.   On the up  side life was great for women born right after 1965.  They would have a huge number of older men to choose from.  They would have the advantage of both the virtual and the actual ratios.

Anyway the main strategy in this system is that you might consider dating someone outside the traditional age group.   Perhaps it's better sometimes for a woman to marry a younger man or a man to marry a slightly older woman.    Another possibility is to date someone in a whole different generation.   The men born in 1965 and later have waited a lifetime for love.  They are just like any other men just lonely.  If your a millennial woman and don't mind older guys then you could possibly experience a love like few women of any generation have ever experienced.

I'll try to follow this up with charts to go into more details because different countries will have different shaped population pyramids and so you would have to look at the growth rates.   Also different parts of  the USA will have different ratios and some places might actually have crazy virtual ratios by a huge margin.   Santa Cruz county for instance has a negative growth rate in the millennial generation which is really good for women.  Tulare County has positive growth for millennials which is great for millennial men but bad for millennial women. Often cities have way more men than women because people migrate to big cities and men tend to migrate more.  Women have to do more work if they live in the cities though because men will be really shy at least if they grew up in the city. 


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