
Showing posts from July, 2017

Galaxy Formation

I'm wondering if the reason that the outside of the galaxy rotates at the same speed as the inside isn't because the galaxy is a young galaxy.     The reason it is believed that the inside should rotate faster than the outside is because the inner planets of a solar system orbit at a faster speed than the outer planets.  They have to because if they didn't the greater gravity near the sun would cause them to fall closer to the sun.  Would they fall into the sun or reach some asymptotic orbit?  That's for another paper however it makes sense that the inside should rotate faster than the outside.   Like I said if they do not they will fall toward the sun. Since we are now comparing the Milky Way and other galaxies with the solar system then lets ask ourselves if this is a fair analogy.    It does seem fair because in fact there has been found a solar system that actually looks like a galaxy.   This solar system is thought to be in the early stages of solar system form

Our Chronolical Footprint

I don't know if I've mentioned this but it it occurred to me that most things have a length.   Our bodies are not a mere point in space but they have height width and depth.   What if our footprint in time has a length.    It would mean that we exist in a time segment rather than a point in time.   We don't exist at all times but we exist within a range of times.   Maybe we exist a second in time.  perhaps we exist a microsecond in time.     Suppose we can focus on a time in the future or the past.    This would perhaps explain the phenomena of deja vu.   For some reason our focus is on the past and we re-experience the future a fraction of a second after it happened. What if by continuing to focus on our earliest moment we can actually turn time backward.   We could essentally by continuing to do this travel back into an earlier point in our own lives similar to what Kitty Pride did in the groundbreaking marvel comic: "Days of Future Past". I wonder if perhaps

Hybrid Games.

What about a game that combines different types of games so that the monsters are actually humans.   For one player the game is a quest where you must make it through many levels.  For another it is an RPG.  for another it's a multiplayer team map.  These all work together seamlessly so that the person on the quest just feels he's going up against extremely realistic AI.   What inspired me with this idea is the Friday the 13th game in which the players actually want to be Jason.     If players want to play the bad guy then why would we need AI bad guys?    Consider the Tower Defense game.   Isn't the tower defense just an inverted quest game.  In the quest the player is trying to overcome obstacles to save the princess and in the other the player is trying to create obstacles.   I suppose a combination quest and tower defense game would be a good place to start in the hybrid games arena.   Then later add multiplayer games and coop games.