
Showing posts from 2012
I've been watching a show called universe on Netflix.    It's a show about space and the cosmos and astronomical Ideas.  Every episode ends with them telling us how lucky we are that the earth is able to support life.  This isn't a christian show as far as I know and yet the conclusion they keep coming to is how lucky we are. I think that's probably the second lesson to be learned from astronomy.  We are very lucky and God loved us so much to create such a perfect place.  The earth is just the perfect distance from the sun for life to be possible.  The sun is just the right distance from the center of the galaxy.  Without the moon the earth would wobble so much that sometimes Africa could end up being the North Pole. Everything contributes to making this the perfect place to live.  I guess that was all worked out when God decided to put people here.   There are probably beings on other planets who are also well off and have their planets situated just right.  So I gues

If there is a bright center to the universe

If there is a bright center to the universe your on the planet that it's farthest from.  Luke Skywalker said this in star wars.  I'm wondering if that is true of the earth.  The earth was once considered to be the center of the solar system.  I guess after we figured out it wasn't flat.  Galileo was persecuted by the catholic church for finding evidence that the earth was not the center.   Athiests love to bring this up.   Why did christians want to believe that the earth was the center?  It is because we don't want to add to scripture.  We are very much like scientists in this regard.  Scientists or rather people who believe in science only believe that which is verified experimentally.  Whereas Christians feel it is their duty to only believe that which is mentioned in the Bible.  If it isn't in the Bible it isn't true.  We don't believe in reincarnation.  Why?  "It is appointed unto man once to die and after that the Judgement."  Astronomy has