
Showing posts from 2014

Informational Web Design.

I just realized something.  I avoid company websites and spend more time on Wiki pages.  I go to find out information and company websites don't really offer that.   I mean who really goes to a website to see a full page cartoon image?    A lot of websites are really beautiful with their full page images and a couple buttons but I mean it looks like a game (but it's not a game),  It may look like an app (but it's not an app either).   It really looks like something but it doesn't do anything at all except sell the product.  Even if I'm interested in their product I'd rather go to a wiki page to find out about it because I know I'm not going to find out about it after the website finally loads up.  I'll find out way more information about the product on the wiki page.  I guess though that's a problem for web in general I mean if everyone else is making bad websites then people are still going to avoid my site no matter how informational it is because

Protagonist vs Hero

I think in fiction the protagonist should not be synonymous with the main character or the hero.  I believe I was taught that the protagonist is the one who initiates the action.   In most science fiction I think the person who initiates the action is the Villain.   Even though the villain may not be the hero or even the main character he is the protagonist in that he is the one who with motivation to accomplish some goal such as taking over the world.   The Antagonist then is the one who opposes the purpose of the protagonist.  Again in many science fiction novels the person who tries to stop the Villain from his goal is the Hero.  The hero has no goal other than to stop a person from finishing what he started.   In this case then the hero would be the Antagonist.   Stories where the Hero is the Protagonist are hard for me to come up with by this definition.   Superman The Quest For Peace comes to mind though I'm probably wrong there too.  I remember though he decided to rid the w


If racism didn't cause us so much suffering I'd have to laugh at how silly it is.   How can a person be blamed for what someone else did?   If we are blamed for Adams sin then isn't that similar to what happens when people are racist?     Muslims destroyed the Twin Towers but if I blame all Muslims then why shouldn't I also be blamed for Adam's sin?  If I seek revenge on all Muslims then why shouldn't God seek revenge on me for what Adam did? We're the same race right?  Not only that we are the same species.  If I don't want God to punish me for Adam's sin then I should not blame the Muslims for what the hijackers did.   If you have a problem with God blaming us for Adam's sin then you sure as heck can't be a racist can you?  If you are then you're a hypocrite.   Maybe God wanted us to ask that question.  "Why should I be blamed for Adam's sin?"   Why does God blame us?   Such a conundrum really makes you think.   Having tho


A water wave is a 3 dimensional thing.   dimension 1: amplitude.  Dimension 2: wavelength.  dimension  3: the crest & trough.    If a water wave were two dimensional we would not see it.  When a water wave is viewed we see lines proceeding at right angles to the amplitude and the wavelength. The crest of the wave is at right angles to it's amplitude and wavelength.  how would you polarize a water wave?   Perhaps the magnetic component is the same as a water waves crest and trough component.  So many aspects of reality are ignored.  When I look at a web page about water waves it shows me a cross section of the water wave and it even talks about the crest and trough as mearly the high and low point of the wave but what I really mean by crest and trough is the line that an artist would draw when depicting a wave.  Maybe the ridge of the wave is a better term.   Ridge and valley are its 3rd dimension and extends some arbitrary distance.  Actually if you throw a rock in

No Ether?

Sound waves differ from electromagnetic waves in many ways but what if in some crazy way they are the same thing?   A sound wave through a solid moves faster than through a gas which is what we are used to.  Since the molecules are much more tightly packed in a solid the collisions between molecules occur much more quickly and accurately.  If you strike a long piece of metal the sound wave propagates through the metal from one end to the other.  If you strike a large metal pipe that is very long from the top it will create a transverse wave that moves through the pipe much as a water wave on the ocean.  I'm not sure if it could be considered a sound wave that is traveling transversely.  Maybe there will be a sound wave separately from a transverse shock-wave.  However if they are the same thing then Imagine if you grab one end of the pipe and pull it.   How long does it take from the time you pull your end to the time that the other end moves?  Would it be the speed of light? It wo
I've watched a couple videos by UFO abductees who are asked to speak at conventions and they talk about smelling sulfer and they themselves claim these beings are not extra terrestrial necessarily but extra dimensional beings.  That they are more paranormal phenomena than scientific.   I think if there is an agenda it's to convince the world that these are physical events rather than psychological or just made up.   If you start bringing in religion then your basically saying these are not physical aliens which is what people their paying customers don't want to hear.  They want to hear that aliens are literal physical beings from Beta Reticuli.   The researchers themselves want to believe it also.  Everyone has an agenda though.  That's what christians are often afraid to look hard at the seeming contradictions of the Bible.  However if they are afraid to look at the seeming contradictions it's a result of lack of faith.  Everyone comes across evidence