
Showing posts from August, 2015

Are gravity and light mearly effects of a dynamic coordinat system?

Space is often depicted as a 3 dimensional grid.    Space is thought of as twisting and turning.  Is space then twisting in relationship to some 3 dimensional grid that does not twist and turn?  What if it is the coordinate system itself that is twisting and turning?    The system twists and turns which is only a way of placing particles in space.  The way the particle continues in a straight line has now been altered because it's grid coordinates are now different.  I've been thinking of space twisting and bending in relation to some absolute coordinate system but what if it actually was the coordinate system itself that bends?  What if that's what the waves are all about.  They are changes in the coordinate system.  There is no actual wave through space but the coordinate system itself changes and produces waves in the interaction between particles.   Basically the system changes.  The way in which particles interact changes.   There's nothing actually there but

saturns ring towers

The moon is moving so slowly in relation to the rings that gravity is able to have an effect.  They really all move together but gradually they move in relation to each other but not too fast.   Gravity has a noticeable effect.   Is this the same as the pictures that show what looks like towers perpendicular to the rings?   I hope not.  I have a theory about those.  Maybe the towers are frozen remnants this effect.   I think the towers are what happens when the ring solidifies.  Once a portion of ring becomes solid it eventually breaks apart.   The same phenomena that caused it to pack down hard enough to solidify then causes it to flip perpendicular to the ring plane and become locked into that position.  This packing continues until the ring becomes large enough to generate it's own gravity.   The gravity will continue to make it thicker till it can no longer maintain it's ringlike shape.    The thinner portions will topple into the thicker portions like giant to

Possible Explanation for Bigfoot

In ancient times there were giants in the earth.  These were before the flood and also after.   Perhaps they still live but in remote areas.   There are stories about how the Native Americans were familiar with giant men with red hair which would explain where stories originated.  But if these men live in the north then it's likely that they are wearing clothes.  They can't just take clothes from normal people or purchase them but what they can do however is to make skins.  They could then appear to be the Sasquatch since the skins from a distance would make them look furry like an animal.   Being human they could come up with more elaborate ways of staying hidden.   They would have less trouble hunting animals and living off the land.     The Canadian bush has a very stable climate  so there should be enough food in the wilderness so that they wouldn't have to grow crops.   They might be somewhat aware of our stories about them.   They could pass for human if  they were ch

What is the amplitude of light in physical dimensions?

the brightness of light is based on its' amplitude.  But really you are just repeating yourself.    If light is a transverse wave then a light wave's crest should have a height.   You can measure the height of a physical wave.  Why can't you measure the height of a light wave?  A light wave's height should be measurable in inches or cm or some unit of length.  If it's not measurable as a physically length then that would prove light's amplitude exists in another dimension. If space can be distorted then couldn't light waves be waves in this flexible space?  Anything flexible can have waves in it.  That's what the ether was.   In a way though isn't space if it is flexible and can be bent then isn't it just a kind of ether?   In a way special and general relativity contradict each other because one is based on the idea that there is no either at all.   The other is based on the idea that there is an ether called space.  It seems so simple and so