Are gravity and light mearly effects of a dynamic coordinat system?

Space is often depicted as a 3 dimensional grid.    Space is thought of as twisting and turning.  Is space then twisting in relationship to some 3 dimensional grid that does not twist and turn?  What if it is the coordinate system itself that is twisting and turning?    The system twists and turns which is only a way of placing particles in space.  The way the particle continues in a straight line has now been altered because it's grid coordinates are now different.  I've been thinking of space twisting and bending in relation to some absolute coordinate system but what if it actually was the coordinate system itself that bends?  What if that's what the waves are all about.  They are changes in the coordinate system.  There is no actual wave through space but the coordinate system itself changes and produces waves in the interaction between particles.   Basically the system changes.  The way in which particles interact changes.   There's nothing actually there but anything that is there will shift in relation to systems.  It wont actually shift but there will be a perceived shift.  The perceived shift can result in an actual shift though because the coordinate system itself is all that there is to say where a particle is.   What if the universe is made up of polar coordinates instead of Cartesian.   The only trouble with that is that how would the coordinate systems mesh together into one coordinate system?   There is your answer to where waves come from.  It is the realigning of these coordinate systems that creates waves.  The very fact that the particle moves can produce waves.  They are not waves in actuality but waves in the coordinate systems.  Each particle has its own coordinate system.   There is no center to the universe just coordinate grids that start off polar from the particle but then warp into each other.  This could be all basic stuff for theoretical physicist.   But it seems to me this removes the need for an either but allows for waves to exist.   Waves without something to propagate through.  What the waves propagate through is a shift in the coordinate system by which particles calculate their location in space.    Particles keep track of their own location with respect to other particles.  There is no center to some Cartesian coordinate system somewhere.    Each particle maintains it's own coordinate system.  This duty of each particle results in the certain effects as the system changes.   This eliminates the need for an either while allowing waves to exist.

What if there are two systems?   There is polar when you are close to a particle and Cartesian when away from the particle.  Perhaps that's what creates the particle nature.  As a grid re-aligns itself there will have to be a point that changes as a result.  The entire grid warps but there will have to be a point in the grid where things change drastically.  It is at this point that things jump.  Perhaps that is where a photon makes it's mark.


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