Possible Explanation for Bigfoot

In ancient times there were giants in the earth.  These were before the flood and also after.   Perhaps they still live but in remote areas.   There are stories about how the Native Americans were familiar with giant men with red hair which would explain where stories originated.  But if these men live in the north then it's likely that they are wearing clothes.  They can't just take clothes from normal people or purchase them but what they can do however is to make skins.  They could then appear to be the Sasquatch since the skins from a distance would make them look furry like an animal.   Being human they could come up with more elaborate ways of staying hidden.   They would have less trouble hunting animals and living off the land.     The Canadian bush has a very stable climate  so there should be enough food in the wilderness so that they wouldn't have to grow crops.   They might be somewhat aware of our stories about them.   They could pass for human if  they were children or even tall humans if they wanted to.  It's possible they even come into the cities on occasion.   They must have a city or village somewhere as their population grows.  Unless they are able to keep their population down somehow or they are struggling for survival. 
 They probably have someone in civilization helping them to stay hidden.   They could come to into our society as just tall humans.  There are bound to be short ones.   They could come to town and purchase clothes for themselves.  Some kind of clothes would fit them.   They could have done this at any point in the last 200 years.  They could make trips to civilization.  Make friends with a family who would keep their secret.  
Why would they hide from us?   Perhaps the Bible offers a good explanation.    These giants are considered to be the children of fallen angels.  If this is the case then there would have been a great deal of prejudice against them.   The reality is that they can't help who their parents are.    It says the men before the flood were evil but it doesn't say the giants were evil or  even the angels.   It was mankind that was evil.    In Jude it talks about the fallen angels as being evil but not their children.  In fact it says they were heroes.  David may have befriended them.  He had what are called his mighty men.  and many of his soldiers were Philistines.  I can't say for sure though.  David was filled with the holy spirit and that's what made him succeed in battle so probably this was the case for his mighty men.  To say that some race of beings is evil though is really pretty much racism.   Perhaps they were evil beings.  No one seemed to like them.  Even in legends the giants were hunted down in other parts of the world as well. So they have plenty of reason to stay away from humans.  Today though with society so anti racist they probably wouldn't have much to fear.   The thing about legendary creatures is that they seem paranormal.   They seem to exist in a sort of twilight zone.  Wouldn't that be the case for all misconceptions.   When we see something we don't understand the mind looks to fantasy for an explanation.  Sometimes it's true.

Perhaps Bigfoot is just these giants wearing furry skin outfits like mountain men.  They may go even further to make these outfits appear apelike.    They could construct shoes that appear to be bare feet.  If someone should see them close enough they would realize that these creatures are just men pretending to be Bigfoot.   Such a story wouldn't likely seem like anything to tell the newspapers about.   Perhaps there are stories of people running into a Bigfoot hoaxer not realizing it's only a partial hoax..   


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