
Showing posts from February, 2017

Are Ghosts Pure Energy?

Recently I guess someone said Ghosts don't exist because they would be pure energy and they haven't been detected at CERN so they don't exist.   But the thing is that they don't need to be pure energy.  They could be made of matter that has not been detected.   It's possible there is a form of dark matter.  He also said there would have to be a change to the standard model however it's already known that the Standard Model needs to change since it doesn't mesh with relativity.  Science is still looking for a unified theory that will connect them.   It's been said that the standard model is incomplete.  Did the Higgs Boson complete it?   To me saying Ghosts don't exist is a politically correct way of saying spirits don't exist.  A christian might hear "ghosts don't exist" and say I knew they didn't exist because if there are ghosts they are only demons masquerading as ghosts.  The thing is that I'm sure he just said it in a w


If we are in Jesus image then angels are also in Jesus image because they look like us (why ignore the obvious) I was just asking because we haven't determined in what sense we are in his image. If it's the trinity then we are in the image of God in the sense that we are triune beings. We are a body soul and spirit. God is a Father, Son and Holy Spirit. So maybe we are in his image in that sense or maybe we are in his image in the sense that our bodies literally look like Jesus or the Angel of the Lord with two arms two legs a body and a head in the same configuration as his. Did god mean: "We will make man a trinity just like us in our image because we are a trinity we will also make man a trinity". Or maybe the "us" in "let us" is just God talking to angels or the angels are talking to God working together as they employ teamwork and cooperation like colleagues. So when he said our image maybe he meant in the image of Jesus and the ange

Fish Tank Optics.

Why does the far side of a fish tank appear closer than it is when it's full of water? The reason is that the light-waves while in the tank radiate in a circular manner when they leave the tank they are now radiating in a non-circular manner.  The planes of those waves will hit your eyes at a vastly different ways.  One eye will see the fish straight on while the other eye will see it sideways.  As a result it's possible that in a way the fish will actually appear to be outside the tank.    Perhaps that would explain the somewhat queezy feeling you can get while looking into a fish-tank.  One eye will see the plane of one light wave while the other eye will see the plane of another.  It's not that the light bends is it?   It's more like the wave front is at an odd angle.   Where the light at first radiated spherically it is now radiating as an ellipsoid or Jelly bean shape.  Here I'm showing a cross section so that it appears as ellipses.   I think using

Possible Experiment to To Test if Light Slows Down in Glass Due To Difussion.

As a follow up to light slowing down in a glass I propose a possible experiment.   This again has probably already been done however it's an experiment. According to the theory I proposed atoms are closer together than any wavelength of visible light.   If I'm wrong we could test this with visible light.  If not then using another form of em radiation shine light through a material who's distance between atoms is greater than the wavelength of the radiation being shined through it.   That material should then be unable to slow down the light that is shined through it.   Some of the light will be blocked since the higher the wavelength the the more easily it is absorbed.  High frequency radiation would easily.    Radio waves being so low in frequency are not absorbed by most substances since their energy isn't enough to move electrons.   I guess they are absorbed by metals who's electrons are extremely free.   If the radiation though is high enough in frequency it

Why Does Light Slow Down in Glass?

I haven't found this explanation online but it seems to make sense so if I'm wrong please explain in the comments:   When a wave travels through an opening larger than it's wavelength it will travel in a straight line however when that aperture is smaller than the wavelength a wave will spread out in all directions and spread out and radiate from a new location (the aperture). Why waves do this I'm not so sure but it's true of all waves not just light. Since a solid's atoms are much closer together than any visible wavelength of light that light will then spread out from all the openings between atoms. It will do this at the speed of light however the distance is now greater because the light most of it is now bending (since it's radiating from many new locations) and it's average direction is roughly the same direction though it's altered slightly. You can see this in a drawing. It's net speed is slowed down and this