
If we are in Jesus image then angels are also in Jesus image because they look like us (why ignore the obvious) I was just asking because we haven't determined in what sense we are in his image. If it's the trinity then we are in the image of God in the sense that we are triune beings. We are a body soul and spirit. God is a Father, Son and Holy Spirit. So maybe we are in his image in that sense or maybe we are in his image in the sense that our bodies literally look like Jesus or the Angel of the Lord with two arms two legs a body and a head in the same configuration as his. Did god mean: "We will make man a trinity just like us in our image because we are a trinity we will also make man a trinity". Or maybe the "us" in "let us" is just God talking to angels or the angels are talking to God working together as they employ teamwork and cooperation like colleagues. So when he said our image maybe he meant in the image of Jesus and the angels. The "us" also occurs in the story of the tower of Babel. It seems like the Trinity wouldn't need to talk among themselves and use the word "us". When someone said "Show us the Father" Jesus said, "Don't you know me?" I also heard that Moses drew from the Egyptian creation myths and that the Egyptians had three different creation myths that greatly contradicted one another. It didn't matter to the Egyptians that there were contradictions because it doesn't matter to pagans who is right or who is wrong. Every belief is equal. That may seem like a good system but if truth doesn't matter I think society eventually disappears or you end up like the Aztecs sacrificing all your enemies on a pyramid and watching their corpses tumble down the stairs in a bloody blood spurting spectacle or like the Romans enjoying a bloody gladiator spectacles. Life becomes about not being bored. When truth doesn't matter nothing matters. Life can be like a game but the sort of game you want to play determines what life will be like. If you happen to enjoy violent video games then for you the game of life will probably involve violence. Men eventually take over and it's all about war because war is exciting. When religious truth doesn't matter no truth really matters and right and wrong don't matter. Moses may have found out what was true and what wasn't behind the various creation myths and showed how they all connected and to him these connections were obvious and everyone who heard them would probably have uttered an ahah as they heard it they would see the connections and for them all their confusion cleared up and everything suddenly made sense but to us we not having spent our lives confused over these vastly contradictory stories see these two stories and all we see are Maybe he didn't notice that he had left in the plural "us" rather than a singular God. The whole book of Genesis could be about the Idea of Truth. Look how much people lie in Genesis and how much trouble lies get them into. For us it brings truth to the forefront because we have to wonder whether or not to accept the creation story that seems to contradict what our eyes tell us. Does the truth matter? Does what you believe about the world really matter? Does it matter what God you worship does it matter what others worship? Thanks to the Bible it became very important to people what it is that we believe or don't believe. People blame violence on religion but I say violence will occur no matter what because people like a challenge and they like to compete. The Aztecs didn't have the Bible and they ruled like the Romans and they were tyrants. Sure the Catholic church wiped out their society but can you say for sure they were better off beforehand? They played a form of basketball to the death. Is that really better? Look at all these reality TV shows. I wouldn't be surprised if some of them eventually involved torture and even violence. The Japanese have some that seem to involve torture. I don't know maybe those Aztec sacrifices and basketball to the death are just stories to Justify the takeover. But still what kind of empire was it if it could be taken over by a couple of ships full of Europeans? They were a fragile empire ruling over even more fragile villages because they didn't know the truth about reality because they didn't have real science. They may have figured something out but not as much as the Europeans. I'm thinking that "Iron Rod" is the Spanish and the Catholic Church. We are past that now and now it's time to cooperate among ourselves and work toward Utopia. If the Muslims take over and prevent it that's on them or if our Utopia goes wrong hopefully the Evangelicals are correct and Jesus will come back and save the day. We shouldn't assume too much. Maybe we should assume that Jesus already saved the day and that it's our job to create a paradise on earth right now at least within our churches. I've heard Judas tried to force Jesus hand and by putting him into a position where he would have to fight and conquer. Isn't that similar to what some evangelicals are doing when they just say God will take care of he Muslims and all the evil when he comes back. Rebuild the Temple Jews because that will force Jesus to come back and we will be raptured. I digressed so much because I said the Egyptians didn't care which creation myth was right. Anyway that's what I heard I'm not sure about that. It's not all religion that causes wars though. Jesus said "Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword." It's not all religion that brings war It's religion that cares about the truth. But in the end without truth you still end up with chaos and violence. Egypt still fought wars. They weren't peaceful simply because they didn't care about the truth.


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