Are Ghosts Pure Energy?

Recently I guess someone said Ghosts don't exist because they would be pure energy and they haven't been detected at CERN so they don't exist.   But the thing is that they don't need to be pure energy.  They could be made of matter that has not been detected.   It's possible there is a form of dark matter.  He also said there would have to be a change to the standard model however it's already known that the Standard Model needs to change since it doesn't mesh with relativity.  Science is still looking for a unified theory that will connect them.   It's been said that the standard model is incomplete.  Did the Higgs Boson complete it?   To me saying Ghosts don't exist is a politically correct way of saying spirits don't exist.  A christian might hear "ghosts don't exist" and say I knew they didn't exist because if there are ghosts they are only demons masquerading as ghosts.  The thing is that I'm sure he just said it in a way that wouldn't offend people so bad.  He's basically saying that spirits don't exist and that there is nothing out there that is unseen because the detectors are so sensitive that they detect all energy coming from anywhere.  If that's the case then why are there detectors deep underground and in Antarctica trying to detect neutrinos?  Stuff is passing through us all the time and we can't detect it.  We can't directly detect either dark matter or dark energy.    Dark energy is the most abundant thing in the universe that we know and we can't detect it.   I'm pretty sure the statement was meant as a joke and maybe a test to see if anyone would question it.  No one did apparently.    I mean it just shows how unscientific a lot of science band-wagoners can be.    You don't prove anything by just making sweeping statements.  I thought science was about experiments and proof.

Anyway I have a model that really isn't a hypothesis but just a remote possibility that ghosts and all spirits are made of dark matter and that dark matter is the true stuff that makes up the universe.  We aren't able to see the real universe.   All we see is a limited portion of it.  The spirit world is made up of the true use of matter and that is that matter is supposed to be blown up like a balloon. It's infinitely strong and extremely low mass.    Beings made of dark matter can just jump from one planet to another and from one star to another.  When we look at planets all we see is the cores of planets.  The real worlds are built on top of that and are made of blown up atoms.  These blown up atoms are essentially 3d generated equations or functions.   This is only a possibility and probably incorrect but it does I think show that there are other possibilities for what ghosts could be.   Ghosts in my opinion are souls.  A soul is an exact representation of a person and it is merely a surface on which everything is written.  It has the shape of the original person but it is a single atom blown up into the shape of a person. It's a single atom of dark matter.  Ghosts that stay on earth are reluctant to move on because they are attached to something in this world.  I personally don't know if Ghosts exist but I do believe in souls and spirits.   I believe in Heaven also.   It may be that earth's surface may be off limits to spirits.  In Near Death Experiences people are whisked away very quickly after death.  Even though they will end up returning to life they are taken light years away across the entire universe faster than light.  These experiences are almost accompanied by some surprisingly undeniable proof that the experiencer actually had this experience.   It's been said that the afterlife is a way of making people feel better about death and the afterlife.   This may be true because when I was a child I would sometimes cry at night fearing death which seemed to me to be annihilation.  But my mom reassured me the first time by telling me the Lord's Prayer but the second time when I was older she told me about Near Death Experiences and I am surprised that they are so believable.  I'm not sure if an experiment has proved them but anecdotal evidence is incredibly compelling.  They know things that no one in a bed unconcious could possibly know.  Even if it's demons telling them things and it's all a trick of the devil.  The devil and demons are spirits and if they exist then the spirit world exists.  It could be aliens I guess or we could all be in a matrix.   I guess in a way the whole spirit world argument comes down to this world being some kind of simulation like the matrix.   If we were in a computer game how would we know?  You can only see what the programmer wants you to see.  I guess there would be tell tale signs.


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