
Showing posts from April, 2017
You talk about balance of the buildings but what is hard to do is to make things look natural and irregular. It's so easy in a drawing to make things appear contrived and unnatural. It's hard to make things look natural because you are drawing on a flat surface and it's so easy to balance things and fill up empty areas with your pencil but if you were using a 3d drawing tool like 3d studio or blender you would be hard pressed to fill up every square inch of the panel. Balance isn't really the wrong way to put it but if you're balancing large objects with small objects so that they look natural but aren't you then trying to create imbalance? I think balance is what you are really trying to avoid. To me a balanced composition is a symmetrical composition and a contrived one. They say you can balance a large more central object with a small one way to the side but that's pretty complex.   A photo will look bad if the photographer leaves
Look what believing God did it did for Newton. He believed God did it and he figured out how it works. Copernicus believed God did it and figured out how it worked. That monk Tyson referenced in the first episode of Cosmos figured out what stars were. It was the Monk who figured it out and he was executed but only because Christians believed the writings of a pagan. God may seem to be receding but he seems to work and plus there are the Near Death Experiences. There is a snobbishness about science and the BLIND belief in it. It takes an open mind to believe that there are things out there that can't be explained and haven't yet been discovered. So many scientists believe in nothing. Is that why scientists are so surprised to find planets orbiting stars? The monk believed it without any evidence at all. Star Trek had planets orbiting stars in the 60s and George Lucas said hey wait. If there are planets orbiting stars those planets might have