Look what believing God did it did for Newton. He believed God did it and he figured out how it works. Copernicus believed God did it and figured out how it worked. That monk Tyson referenced in the first episode of Cosmos figured out what stars were. It was the Monk who figured it out and he was executed but only because Christians believed the writings of a pagan. God may seem to be receding but he seems to work and plus there are the Near Death Experiences. There is a snobbishness about science and the BLIND belief in it. It takes an open mind to believe that there are things out there that can't be explained and haven't yet been discovered. So many scientists believe in nothing. Is that why scientists are so surprised to find planets orbiting stars? The monk believed it without any evidence at all. Star Trek had planets orbiting stars in the 60s and George Lucas said hey wait. If there are planets orbiting stars those planets might have moons and and then he thought if the moon was big enough it might have a breathable atmosphere. Scientists didn't believe any of that until they proved it. How are you going to find stuff if you don't believe it's there to begin with? Yeah I'm sure some scientists believed in exoplanets but they sure got excited when they found them as though they hadn't believed in them. Experiments need to be rigorous but theorizing needs to be equally vigorous. A closed mind that doesn't believe anything until it's proven I just don't see that as a mind that will be very good at theorizing. Einstein got his degree in Theoretical Physics. He was the only student in his class other than his wife. I can understand an experimenting scientist being super skeptical but a theoretical physicist shouldn't be skeptical at all. He should be the total opposite of an atheist. Even Einstein went through a period of his life when he was a practicing Jew and became very religious. He also studied Euclid who apparently isn't studied anymore since Newtons book is not read anymore and no one can understand it. Euclid and Newton would create graphic proofs. Why aren't we teaching that in school? How many dimensions is an equation? It's guaranteed a graphic image has 2. Thinking outside the box means believing there might be something outside the box. Maybe Christianity is about truth and yet it's also about believing and seeing and imagining. Prayer is about imagining good things at least for yourself. But still you are picturing the possibilities and you are visualizing a better world. Even if God didn't exist. If God doesn't exist then they would have reached a Type 4 civilization Millions of years ago and would be capable of time travel. On top of that if there are alternate universes then those universes would have figured out how to travel between universes long ago. Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic ---Arthur C. Clark. So we'd better hope God is real because either way there is definitely something almost as powerful that has a number for every hair on your head. Isn't Bill O Reily an Athiest? Anyway God of the Gaps gets you a long ways and Christians care about science. They aren't afraid of science and in fact it's the scientists who ignore Christians and call them crackpots. Personally I think that people just use science as an excuse for their lifestyle. At least Christians don't have ulterior motives for their beliefs. I suppose some famous preachers may if they are really successful  may have ulterior motives but they are too busy to do lab work. But the lab doesn't need theoretical physicists anyway the lab is where the skeptics should be. Theories can come from anywhere and the moment a scientist (usually it's not a real scientist anyway) calls someone a crackpot then it's the scientist who's mind is closed and isn't really looking. I can see how a christian might be seen as having a closed mind but can't you see how a scientist could also be closed minded?


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