Parable of the Growing Seed, And the Mustard Seed

The Parable of the Growing Seed

26 He also said, “This is what the kingdom of God is like. A man scatters seed on the ground. 27 Night and day, whether he sleeps or gets up, the seed sprouts and grows, though he does not know how. 28 All by itself the soil produces grain—first the stalk, then the head, then the full kernel in the head. 29 As soon as the grain is ripe, he puts the sickle to it, because the harvest has come.”

This is saying that just by reading the Bible the word of God you will grow spiritually.   It has an effect on you that you don't understand.   It works on you in ways you don't know without you realizing it.  Your heart will love more.   You will be better able to resist temptation.   It's not just about understanding the Bible and learning things or what to do and not to.   It's not just a set of rules (although it is that also)   It's a way of becoming what you want to be.   It takes time though.    Sometimes it takes a generation or two for the plant to grow.   

 The mustard seed
It starts out as the smallest seed but once it gets planted it grows into the largest of all the plants.  
The seed starts out small.   The Gospel but it grows and becomes the most important thing in your life and all your thoughts and actions become ordered around it.  It affects your every action and thought. 

Yeah but to have the right heart you have to change. You can't change yourself directly though. You have to do something other than directly changing your heart. It's like the parable of the Seed. You plant the word in your heart like the seed that the sower sows and it grows up by itself he knows not how. You don't know how God's word changes your heart it just does. You will have the right heart someday after you have studied God's word. It's not possible to change motives yourself. You need the right medicine and the best medicine is the Bible. The subject of the Bible is the Word: Jesus. He's the word or subject. The words themselves. But the Holy Spirit is the Author or co-author of the Bible. The oil is the Holy spirit. The oil flows into the mind of the author and the author then flows through him as he writes the words which are about the name or main Bible word: Jesus.   Interesting to note that the oil is poured on the head rather than the heart.   It's another indication that the brain is the seat of thought long before anyone had proved it scientifically.

The only reason I came to the conclusion of this meaning is because I've doubted it for a long time. I read the Bible a lot but I haven't really changed. I haven't overcome the sins I had a problem with years ago. I thought it would help. I thought attending church 3 times a week rather than 1 would help but it hasn't. Maybe I'm more forgiving but no one really does anything bad to me so there isn't anything to forgive. On the other hand I'm constantly doing things to others and offending others and hurting others that I should ask forgiveness for so really I only came to this conclusion because I've been questioning it for so long. I don't see any change in my life so I kept asking myself does the Bible really change me. So this parable seemed to me to be saying the answer is yes. The interpretation came to mind because it seems to answer the question I've been asking myself for some time. Reading the Bible has been a sort of experiment and I'm the guinea pig. And nothing seems to have changed. Yet this parable if I interpreted it correctly seems to be saying maybe I have changed somehow in a way I'm not aware of. 


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