Is Quantum Theory Ptolemaic?

Quantum theory reminds me of Ptolemaic theory. They are both human-centric. They both require that all this crazy wild nutty stuff happens in the background. Neither is eloquent but like Ptolemaic Theory in it's day, Quantum Theory is the best anyone can come up with.   It's one of the few theories without a person's name attached to it.    It's as if no one wants to be associated with it.      I just say this because maybe it needs to be demystified a bit.     They did check to see if something was going on.   We know it contradicts relativity in some way but I'm not sure how.   I guess it's because relativity seems more continuous and quantum theory is so tiny.   They probably don't need to coincide because relativity is about big things and quantum theory is about very small things and in the middle we have Newton.    Maybe Newton is the missing link or the grand unification theory.

So many science lectures start out with how Galileo got it right and how the Church got it wrong.  The Catholic church had accepted what the Greek Ptolemy came up with.    I don't think Ptolemy was a christian but for some reason the church just accepted what he had to say.   Ptolemy didn't get his theory from the Bible and really all his theory consists of is what he observed.   He saw all the planets and sun orbiting the earth while in reality all the planets orbit the sun.   Although I think Einstein would probably say neither is true and that in fact both are true depending on your reference frame.  From earth what appears to be true is true and in fact everything does orbit the earth or at least the sun orbits the earth while the inner planets orbit the sun while the ones further out than earth orbit the sun and earth.   Somehow Ptolemy thought the planets orbited the the earth and that they passed in front of the sun even though they actually don't.    I guess the sun is so bright there was no way to tell whether something passed in front of or behind the sun.    

Scientists are actually considering that God is doing stuff behind the scenes.   Being a Christian I'm all for it but I'm worried some religion will latch onto quantum theory and someday start putting people in jail for questioning it.


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