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One thing I've encountered in trying to learn things is that one thing will be essentially similar to another and without realizing it the two have the same properties. You can memorize the outline and have an idea of what a book of the Bible is about and yet can you tell how the different books differ from each other.  It's easy if the books recount events but in the Letters of Paul can you say what each book is about as opposed to the others?   How do the books differ from one another?  This is differentiation and something I think we need to do more of. The interactions of light with matter.   I can read about absorption transmission and reflection?  I rarely come across an explanation that includes all three and as a result of not taking into account all of them we may create an explanation for one that contradicts the explanation of the others.  Even now though I have a hard time coming up with an example because I've thought about all three in relation to each

You will know them by their fruit.

You don't need to know a Christian by his fruit.   The key is to know the church by it's fruit.  If the church produces bad Christians then go to a different church.  You can easily tell if a church is loving when choosing a church as an outsider since how they treat you is easy to determine. It's easy to love those who love you.  What's hard for them to love you if they don't know you so if a church treats you the outsider with love then it's probably a good church.  The Bible isn't about confusion.  It's confusing to tell whether a christian himself bears good fruit or not.   We aren't here to judge individuals.  What purpose does that serve other than to make us judgemental?   You know a church by it's fruit.   That way if the members treat you badly you aren't judging them you are judging the doctrine of the church that produced them.  There's no judgement involved of people only the doctrine which is inanimate and has no feelings to
Why you would want to do acrylic over oil:  Frazetta would do under-paintings in oil.   Oil under-painting can be done in one color only.  Not burnt umber paint and white but just burnt umber only.   You can draw white lines with the handle of the brush you can wipe off white areas with a rag and just keep working that way till the under-painting is perfect.  Being able to draw white lines with no paint whatsoever is a huge advantage when doing under-painting.    Plus the under-painting looks gorgeous by itself.   It occurs to me why not use acrylic on an oil painted whiteboard?  Or you could do masking with acrylic paint if it comes off so easily.   You could also do scratch-board techniques.   And if that doesn't work then maybe you can do acrylic over oil.  I wonder if it would make interesting textures.   Maybe there's a clear gesso you could apply to an oil underpainting.  It would be nice to be able to do a nice oil underpainting.