Why you would want to do acrylic over oil: Frazetta would do under-paintings in oil. Oil under-painting can be done in one color only. Not burnt umber paint and white but just burnt umber only. You can draw white lines with the handle of the brush you can wipe off white areas with a rag and just keep working that way till the under-painting is perfect. Being able to draw white lines with no paint whatsoever is a huge advantage when doing under-painting. Plus the under-painting looks gorgeous by itself. It occurs to me why not use acrylic on an oil painted whiteboard? Or you could do masking with acrylic paint if it comes off so easily. You could also do scratch-board techniques. And if that doesn't work then maybe you can do acrylic over oil. I wonder if it would make interesting textures. Maybe there's a clear gesso you could apply to an oil underpainting. It would be nice to be able to do a nice oil underpainting.
Weird Trick for Making Great Art.
Draw finished drawings right from the start. This is only a trick and not really what you would think of as something a pro would do however. It works because random thoughtless art is better than most artists techniques and hard work. You can think things through and through but for most artists they aren't going to improve on random chance. There probably is a technique that improves on random chance but I'm not sure I've figured it out and I'm not sure anyone has. Anyway Travis Charest would draw finished art right from the start and it looked amazing. It saved time too. Stick figures are good if you are just learning and they are always good but so is finished drawings right from the start because the less you erase and the more precise your lines the easier it is to draw the next line in the perfect spot. Random placement of figures will look really good most of the time because in the end even when you are doing roughs you are attempting to create ...
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