
Showing posts from 2016
Rings appear only around large planets and yet we recently discovered a ring around an asteroid or dwarf planet.  Why?   They last longer around large planets and they are more frequent the smaller the planet.   So we have two different causes and they are linear in that length of time a ring exists is proportional to the size of the planet and the frequency of rings is inversely proportional to the size of the planet.  We are talking about two different things at least the causes are different and each can be graphed as a line.  If you superimpose the two lines you will have a point at which the two lines cross and at that point is probably where the size of the planet is roughly similar to earth or the average rocky planet in our solar system.  Since one goes down and the other goes up the point where they cross will be where the planets with the least rings are likely to appear.

Possible Reason for Broken Families.

I'm not saying this is right or fair so don't hate me. But isn't it possible that all the special treatment women have been getting is giving them more power than men. Isn't it possible that this power is keeping men from becoming financially secure and causing women to despise them. This could be causing women to leave their husbands. But also it could be preventing men from getting to a point where women would want to marry them in the first place. As a result children are only born as a result of fornication. Instead of starting families many men struggle through life. Men are said to be opting out of marriage but in fact women are rejecting men because they don't respect them.

Does Michelle really claim her life is more difficult than a soldiers?

michelle-obama-claims-her-life-is-more-difficult-than-a-soldiers I read the article and she's comparing her life with that of a military wife not a soldier. Technically her husband is the head of the armed forces so technically she is a military wife. Plus her husband has a more than a 1 in 50 chance of being assassinated. So yeah I think she qualifies as a military wife. I'm a republican and I voted for Trump but maybe if we weren't such poor winners the liberals wouldn't have been such sore losers and maybe we could have avoided the riots. Besides we should stand behind our president whatever his party once the election is over. The least we should do is not attack his family.

Autostereoscopic 3d Idea

I was going to save this and try to do it myself but no one reads this anyway.   Basically this is a way of doing 3D which is incredibly simple.   It's basically cheating in a way but it makes sense. I've spent a lot of time trying to think of a way to create 3d images.   The truth is that there are complex ways of doing it and there are simple ways.  The simplest way is to actually make a 3d object.    Many auto-stereoscopic 3 dimensional systems have the problem of depth.  They don't seem to have much depth to them.   The Gameboy with 3d seems to have more depth than most and it uses parallax as opposed to lenticular.    Many 3d screens layer one screen upon another.   Almost all 3d involves layers.   The laying of one image above another.   Or having a picture layer below a lens layer as in lenticular 3d.     It occurred to me if you are going to use layers then the simplest thing to do is use multiple layers to create essentially a bas-relief image.   There is an artist

6th Trumpet

I'm just trying to have an open mind so please forgive me.   The way I see the seals, trumpets, and Bowls is that they are all happening in this order: seal(1), trumpet(1), bowl(1),seal(2), trumpet(2), bowl(2). So the 6th seal happens just before the 6th trumpet.   In this theory I'm proposing ( though I don't stand behind it, It's just a possibility)  We are in the 6th age.  Each of the seals stands for an age or a dispensation..   It even sounds the same.   When you read a will there are things bequeathed or dispensed upon the recipients.   The scroll is a will and Jesus and we I suppose are the recipients of Jesus will.  He died and came to life so he's the writer and the recipient.   Anyway so we are in the 6th dispensation.   The 6th dispensation began at the beginning of the age which is when Jesus was born or when he died.   The 6th seal then took place at the beginning of the age.   There is the Sun which is black as sackcloth and the Moon turned to blood
Generation X loves the X chromosome & Generation Y loves the Y chromosome.

Parable of the Growing Seed, And the Mustard Seed

The Parable of the Growing Seed 26  He also said, “This is what the kingdom of God is like. A man scatters seed on the ground. 27  Night and day, whether he sleeps or gets up, the seed sprouts and grows, though he does not know how. 28  All by itself the soil produces grain—first the stalk, then the head, then the full kernel in the head. 29  As soon as the grain is ripe, he puts the sickle to it, because the harvest has come.” This is saying that just by reading the Bible the word of God you will grow spiritually.   It has an effect on you that you don't understand.   It works on you in ways you don't know without you realizing it.  Your heart will love more.   You will be better able to resist temptation.   It's not just about understanding the Bible and learning things or what to do and not to.   It's not just a set of rules (although it is that also)   It's a way of becoming what you want to be.   It takes time though.    Sometimes it takes a generation o
It's not enough to fill yourself with the Holy Spirit (The Bible). You have to fill others with it. If you run out of People filled with Bible your church wont last. Your oil will run out. There are so many ways to study today. You can listen to it all day long on mp3 and in your car using Bluetooth. You have to meditate on it day and night. I need to concentrate on the Bible and not on a girl. She may be the most beautiful and irreplaceable thing in all creation but God (The Bible) comes first.

10 Virgins

I've been studying the 10 virgins in Matthew so here is my take on it.   The 10 virgins are 10 cities.   Virgins = Cities Lamps = Churches Vials = people oil = holy spirit/Bible (since it's inspired by the Holy Spirit) holy spirit =  Bible. So the Virgins are cities.   Each City has one church.   A city only needs one church because there is only one Bible and the Bible itself is your Doctrinal Statement and your constitution and it is up to each individual church to interpret it for himself.     People need to meditate on it day and night I think in order to understand it.   That's what I've been trying to do.   This is because there is only one Bible and the only rule for the church.   It's the Bible.  Anyway I suppose that it's OK for different churches to have different doctrines because there is more chance for the church to come to an accurate conclusion.   Perhaps schools of thought should remain in books rather than as the official church Doctrin

Spacetime curvatuire = em radiation

I might have already talked about this but what if the curvature of spacetime that causes gravity is actually not a large funnel shaped curve but many small curves created by electromagnetic waves curving space.    All the little waves moving out from the earth creates that snow pattern on your television but is actually spacetime moving like waves on the sea.   Waves passing through waves will then curve.   Objects passing through this EM radiation will also curve in their paths.     It really is a similar thing to how cherrios cling together in your bowl.   On one side of any object you will have more curvature and therefore more area to pass through and your journey will be longer and thus will appear to move more slowly.   While the side that has less curvature to pass through because the wave density is less will have less distance to travel (through the waves ) and will thus will travel faster.   it's like when you put pressure on one ski when skiing and you turn in the direc

Dark Matter

 I haven't done much research on dark matter but I recently read an article that said that WIMPS (Weakly Interactive Massive Particles) haven't been found so now they are looking for more exotic forms of matter. The article ( talks about Bose Einstein Condensates. The word stiff is also used and that's what I've been saying. They are extremely stiff shapes that are extremely strong and extremely light. Perhaps a Bose Einstein Condensate being would be almost invisible yet extremely strong. Another possibility is that they are like protons or some other particle blown up like a balloon into whatever shape they might need in the same way a computer generated creature is a hollow outer shell with nothing inside. They say that if we do encounter life it will be something we can't imagine and unlike