
Showing posts from 2015

Twin Paradox & Gravity's Effect on Time Explained.

Here's a way of looking at the twin paradox:   I'll use myself and a friend as an example.  I'm a guy so I'll use  a female friend     So just replace the twins with myself and this girl.   I'll pretend I'm this cool surfer like the silver surfer who rides light waves on his silver surfboard.   Just so happens my friend sneezes and this as in any other instance produces an electromagnetic wave.   I decide to ride this wave to Alpha Centari.    I look back at my friend and she appears not to have aged a bit and appears to be frozen in time.   Of course she would seem frozen because all I see of her is the wave I'm riding.   It's like watching a movie and I'm stuck between frames.   All I see is the current frame the one I'm riding.    She looks at me and sees me moving at the speed of light to alpha centari.  Since I'm moving at the speed of light though she doesn't see much of me.  All she sees is one long extended wave of me traveling th


My opinion is that there are a limited amount of Jobs and that the more people that work a paying job the less money there will be to pay them.  I also believe that minimum wage makes it harder to get a job.  Ideally there would be no minimum wage and any time you raise the minimum wage the number of jobs will decrease.  I think this is based on the idea that there are a limited number of jobs and a limited amount of money.  People seem to have no problem with the idea that there is a limited amount of money because it's the evil CEO's of the world who are hoarding all of it.   But ask them about minimum wage and they seem to think there is an unlimited amount of money or that somehow the CEO's will give themselves a pay-cut and that will allow minimum wage workers to earn a decent wage. What I want to know though is if there really is a limited amount of money.   I know that there is a limited amount of actual paper and coin money out there.   But there are also ways to m

Are gravity and light mearly effects of a dynamic coordinat system?

Space is often depicted as a 3 dimensional grid.    Space is thought of as twisting and turning.  Is space then twisting in relationship to some 3 dimensional grid that does not twist and turn?  What if it is the coordinate system itself that is twisting and turning?    The system twists and turns which is only a way of placing particles in space.  The way the particle continues in a straight line has now been altered because it's grid coordinates are now different.  I've been thinking of space twisting and bending in relation to some absolute coordinate system but what if it actually was the coordinate system itself that bends?  What if that's what the waves are all about.  They are changes in the coordinate system.  There is no actual wave through space but the coordinate system itself changes and produces waves in the interaction between particles.   Basically the system changes.  The way in which particles interact changes.   There's nothing actually there but

saturns ring towers

The moon is moving so slowly in relation to the rings that gravity is able to have an effect.  They really all move together but gradually they move in relation to each other but not too fast.   Gravity has a noticeable effect.   Is this the same as the pictures that show what looks like towers perpendicular to the rings?   I hope not.  I have a theory about those.  Maybe the towers are frozen remnants this effect.   I think the towers are what happens when the ring solidifies.  Once a portion of ring becomes solid it eventually breaks apart.   The same phenomena that caused it to pack down hard enough to solidify then causes it to flip perpendicular to the ring plane and become locked into that position.  This packing continues until the ring becomes large enough to generate it's own gravity.   The gravity will continue to make it thicker till it can no longer maintain it's ringlike shape.    The thinner portions will topple into the thicker portions like giant to

Possible Explanation for Bigfoot

In ancient times there were giants in the earth.  These were before the flood and also after.   Perhaps they still live but in remote areas.   There are stories about how the Native Americans were familiar with giant men with red hair which would explain where stories originated.  But if these men live in the north then it's likely that they are wearing clothes.  They can't just take clothes from normal people or purchase them but what they can do however is to make skins.  They could then appear to be the Sasquatch since the skins from a distance would make them look furry like an animal.   Being human they could come up with more elaborate ways of staying hidden.   They would have less trouble hunting animals and living off the land.     The Canadian bush has a very stable climate  so there should be enough food in the wilderness so that they wouldn't have to grow crops.   They might be somewhat aware of our stories about them.   They could pass for human if  they were ch

What is the amplitude of light in physical dimensions?

the brightness of light is based on its' amplitude.  But really you are just repeating yourself.    If light is a transverse wave then a light wave's crest should have a height.   You can measure the height of a physical wave.  Why can't you measure the height of a light wave?  A light wave's height should be measurable in inches or cm or some unit of length.  If it's not measurable as a physically length then that would prove light's amplitude exists in another dimension. If space can be distorted then couldn't light waves be waves in this flexible space?  Anything flexible can have waves in it.  That's what the ether was.   In a way though isn't space if it is flexible and can be bent then isn't it just a kind of ether?   In a way special and general relativity contradict each other because one is based on the idea that there is no either at all.   The other is based on the idea that there is an ether called space.  It seems so simple and so

Nature of the Paranormal

Is the Paranormal just a bunch of misconceptions?   One way to determine if this is true is to figure out what people are likely to misconstrue and from the extrapolate whether the two coincide with one another.   Do they coincide?  If they do then the paranormal is just misconceptions.   But if they do not then they are two  different things and the Paranormal is real.   Things like ghosts are real.  A lot of paranormal events seem very likely to be true.  More the paranormal than aliens.  I thought for sure the Travis walton event was real.  But people dug deeper into the story and found out some evidence to the contrary.  That perhaps it was a hoax after all.   The confusion stemmnig from the fact that the investigation went from murder to hoax and there is no longer any need or right for a police detective to investigate a hoax when his job is to figure out murders and more important criminal activities.  He's got to do what he's paid to do.  It seems that ghosts are real

Libaries as storage facilities

I propose a re-purposing of libraries as storage facilities for books and media that people no longer want.   People can donate their books to the library with a confidence that the library will place those books on their shelves and make them available to the public for checkout.   This would add value to the books you donate.  I guess this concept may not be new but the library in town is always selling books.     I'm not sure how common this is but they are often selling books and I don't understand such things.  I think the problem is that they run out of space.   However my library has a lots of space and they are   Books get old but books have always gotten old and in the old days books got incredibly old but the library didn't get rid of them.  They would rebind them.   Nowdays they can even put them online.  What if by donating your book to the library the library could then add that to a it's online virtual library. I think there is now a system in place w

In Your Doing Good Do Good.

So many preachers will tell you if you are not sure what to do in a given case you should pray about it.  I'm going to say though that I don't think this is the right advice.  God is against divination. Asking God what should I do is just a way of saying I'm not going to think about what I should do I'm going to let you decide.   I think God wants us to think about what to do.  He wants us to come up with ways to do the right thing.  Divination is just done when someone wants to do one thing and they hope that God will tell them it's ok.  Also it removes the important responsibility of actively loving our neighbor.  We shouldn't just help others when they ask for help but we should be actively seeking ways to help others.  We should ask God: please give me ideas on how I can help someone.  Give me opportunities to help.  Help me to think of ways to do good.  Help me to think of the best possible ways to help others and promote your kingdom.  I think he wants us

Walking Dead Beth's **SPOILER**.

I realize now that Beth's death was Deus Ex Machina.   It was just pure bad luck.  At least it's usually the cavalry coming to save the day so at least you can be happy about it.  But in this case they rescued Beth and she was safe and sound and then she pointlessly dies for no reason.   People doing dumb things in the name of horror isn't going to convince anyone that the post apocalypse is dangerous.  Bad luck tragedy is just as annoying as good luck coming to the rescue.   If the viewer is sitting there saying "Why don't they just leave? She hasn't even drawn on them."    I tried watching another episode and it just solidified in my head that it's pointless to go on watching.   They have nothing else to accomplish except to make more dumb mistakes till they are all dead.    I think the problem is that none of the writers expected Beth to take on a life of her own.  She was never meant to be a part of the show.   She was just window dressing or a red


And Adah bare Jabal: he was the father of such as dwell in tents, and of such as have cattle. 21 And his brother's name was Jubal: he was the father of all such as handle the harp and organ. 22 And Zillah, she also bare Tubalcain, an instructer of every artificer in brass and iron: and the sister of Tubalcain was Naamah. I'f you notice in this passage names 3 men but only two of them are fathers.    Jabal: he was the father of such as dwell in tents, and of such as have cattle.   Jubal: he was the father of all such as handle the harp and organ The 3rd however is not a father.  He is Tubal-Cain.  If you know history you know that the ability to forge Iron was not discovered till many ages in the future.   In other words the science of iron was forgotten.   The skills of Jabal and Jubal were remembered however and so what we have here is a different meaning for the word father.    Despite the fact that Jabal and Jubal's descendents died in the flood they are

Are we all time travelers?

We humans don't occupy a single point in space.   So I'm wondering if the same is true of time.  I usually think of myself as occupying a single point in time.   There is the present moment an infinitesimal moment in time that I occupy and all other time can be grouped as either past or future.  However this goes against every other aspect of our lives.  Nothing really occupies a single point.   Therefore what seems more likely is that we occupy a time segment.   There is past and future and the present time segment which is actually a segment of time in which we exist in both past and future.  All time within that segment is accessible.   It is a region of timelessness between past and future where our imagination can conceive time scenarios.  Without this ability to time travel we would perhaps no concept of time at all.  We couldn't conceive of either a future or a past. It's like looking at a picture.  If I could only see one point in that picture all I would see i