Wave Particle Duality Solved?
I've been researching about waves for a while now and the very nature of all waves is somewhat counter intuitive. Waves don't have that many characteristics but they do have some odd characteristics. Take diffraction for instance. When a wave of any kind passes through an aperture of a size less than the wavelength the wave will diffract or spread out in all directions. However if the aperture is larger than the wavelength the wave continue on as if it were a ray. The reason it does this is that a wave is not a particle but many particles that are perhaps vibrating regardless of the wave direction. Wave causes a bunching up into a crest or a depletion zone called a trough. Both are potential energy. The energy is usually in the crests and the troughs. Basically a wave is a configuration where stuff gets bunched up or un bunched and what those things want to do is become de-bunched un-depleted as...